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Relative-ly Speaking Page 2

  Alex smiled. "I'm pretty transparent, huh?" she said.

  "Clear as glass, Grams, and you know what? Your granddaughter is just like you!" Cat added.

  It was about a year ago now that they had discovered the blood connection between Billie and Alex. Billie had found Alex's daughter Laurel, and her grandson Dylan as well, in the process.

  "Darlin', I can't tell you how happy I was to learn that Billie was my granddaughter. It is truly a blessing to have her in my life."

  "Grams, I'm calling to ask a favor," Cat said.

  "Of course, sugar. What is it that ya need?" Alex asked.

  "Grams, Mom has put Billie and me in charge of organizing a family reunion, and we were wondering...," Cat began.

  "A family reunion? What a good idea. Caitlain, I insist that we have it here at SpireClyffe Acres. We have plenty of room, a swimming pool, tennis courts. Why, it's perfect. I won't take no for an answer," Alex exclaimed.

  "Grams, you are a gem, you know that?" Cat asked.

  "Why thank you, Caitlain, but you did say you needed a favor. What was it that you needed, darlin'?" Alex asked.

  "Just to hear the sound of your voice, Grams. Thanks. I'll call you when we have a date for the reunion, okay? I love you Grams, and Grandma Jo too. Give her a kiss for me, will you?" Cat asked.

  "I certainly will, sugar, if you kiss Billie and the kids for us. I'll talk to you later, Bye now," Alex said.

  "Good bye, Grams," Cat said smiling.

  You are a devil Alexandra Spirakis. You knew all along what the favor was. Don't ever change, Grams, I love you just the way you are.


  Cat hung up the phone and walked over to Billie who was sitting at one end of the living room couch doing the crossword puzzle that came in the daily newspaper. The kids were scattered to the four winds as usual, Seth and Steve (who insisted he was too old to be called Stevie now) were in Seth's room playing video games, Tara was at Jen's, playing with Karissa, and Skylar and Missy were in the back yard playing dolls in the newly painted tree house.

  Starting at the opposite end of the couch, Cat slowly crawled on hands and knees toward Billie, a seductive look firmly fixed on her face.

  Billie pretended not to see her, seemingly concentrating on her puzzle as Cat moved steadily closer. Billie tried very hard to keep the grin off her face as Cat lived up to her name, slowly closing in on her prey, preparing to pounce at the last moment.

  Billie, however, had other thoughts on her mind as she suddenly grabbed Cat by the shoulders and pulled her onto her lap.

  "Gotcha!" Billie exclaimed, trapping Cat in the circle of her arms as Cat squealed. "Now, here's what I do to sneaks!" she warned as she formed her right hand into a claw.

  "No! Not the claw!" Cat screamed, knowing what was coming.

  "Yes, my dear, the claw," Billie answered, as her hand descended into Cat's side, unmercifully ticking her.

  "No! Billie, no! Stop, please," Cat yelled, laughing hysterically, trying her best to get away. "Billie, please, stop!"

  Cat was quite a handful as she struggled against Billie's assault, pulling them both off the couch and onto the floor. She had almost gotten away, scrambling to her feet, when Billie grabbed one of her ankles and pulled her back down, maneuvering herself so that she lay completely on top of her. Billie pinned Cat's wrists to the floor above her head, their noses a mere hair's breadth apart.

  Green eyes met blue, locked in a match of wills, neither willing to give in as they attempted to stare each other into submission.

  "Give!" Billie demanded.

  "No!" Cat replied, stubborn determination filling her eyes as she maintained contact while trapped beneath Billie.

  Billie grinned then kissed Cat's eyelids, forcing them closed.

  "Give," she said again, whispering the word into Cat's ear.

  "No," Cat said again.

  More kisses, this time along Cat's jaw line.

  "Give, my love," Billie said seductively without stopping the barrage of kisses.

  "No, Billie," Cat said breathlessly.

  Tiny nips on Cat's collarbone caused her to catch her breath and moan.

  "Give in, Cat," Billie demanded.

  "Oh, God, no," Cat replied.

  The hollow between Cat's breasts was the next target. Billie ran her tongue through the ample cleavage, causing Cat's nipples to stand erect with sensual excitement. Cat arched her chest upward, straining against the hands that held her wrists to the floor.

  "Are you ready to give in yet, love?" Billie whispered, nipping at Cat's nipples through the material of her shirt.

  "I'll give in only if you promise not to stop," she bargained.

  "Mom, can I go swim in Steve's...oh man! Are you guys at it again?" Seth said, embarrassed that he and Steve had walked in on his mothers' foreplay.

  "Ah, I was just tickling Mama," Billie explained awkwardly as Cat stared up at the ceiling, her wrists still trapped by Billie's hands. "She tried to sneak up on me," Billie added, red-faced.

  "Sure you were, mom. Can I go swim in Steve's pool?" he asked.

  "Of course you can. Be sure that you and your sister are home for supper, okay?" Billie said.

  "Okay, thanks, mom." Seth turned to Steve, "Let's go, before they start kissing again!" he exclaimed, leading his friend toward the back door.

  The two ladies listened for the sound of the back door closing, then looked at each other and broke into giggles. Cat's arms made their way around her wife's neck as Billie released her wrists and gathered Cat into her arms, rolling them over so that Cat was lying on top.

  Billie cupped the sides of Cat's face with her hands and pulled her down for a kiss. "Do you think he believed me?" Billie asked, her eyes full of mirth.

  "Not a chance," Cat replied, sitting up grinning.

  "I think you're right. By the way, how did the phone call to Grams go?" Billie asked.

  "Really well, but before I tell you about it…," Cat leaned in so that she was nose to nose with Billie.

  "I…" Cat placed a kiss on Billie's nose.

  "Have…" Another, light kiss landed on Billie's lips.

  "A message…" Cat's tongue flicked across Billie's now open mouth.

  "To deliver," she finished, diving passionately into Billie's mouth, kissing her long and hard, driving her tongue deep into the moist cavern her wife offered willingly.

  Billie grasped the sides of Cat's head firmly, loud moans escaping her throat as Cat ravished her mouth for a long moment. Finally, breaking the kiss, Cat sat up and looked Billie directly in the eyes, while struggling to control her own breathing.

  "Wow! What was that for?" Billie asked breathlessly.

  "Grams said to kiss you and the kids for her," Cat explained, her voice raspy and face flushed with desire.

  "Somehow, I don't think Grams intended it to be that type of kiss, Red," Billie exclaimed. "Not that I'm complaining, mind you," she added.

  "Well, she didn't specify, so I figured it was up to me to choose," Cat said.

  "You chose well, my love," Billie replied, raising her head for more, which Cat eagerly supplied.

  "So, how did the call go?" Billie asked again, highly distracted by the beautiful woman sitting on top of her.

  "Grams offered SpireClyffe Acres even before I had a chance to ask." Cat placed one more, soft kiss on Billie's cheek. "Billie, make love to me," she whispered in her wife's ear. "I need to feel you inside me."

  A low growl emanated from Billie's throat as she threw her head back to give Cat better access to her neck. "Cat," she panted, "God, Cat. I would love nothing more than to ravish you, body and soul right now, but are you forgetting our daughter and her friend in the back yard?" Billie asked.

  Cat's head snapped up, her eyes meeting Billie's. "Shit! You're right!" she exclaimed.

  The sound of the back door suddenly opening caused the ladies to jump. Cat quickly sat up, straddling Billie's stomach, while Billie's clasped her hands together and placed them und
er her head in a casual pose.

  "Mama," a little voice called out.

  "We're in here, love bug," Cat replied. Great timing, Sky, she thought as the little girl entered the living room, dragging Missy behind her by the hand.

  "Mama, can I go to Missy's to play?" Skylar asked. "Her mom said I could."

  Billie clasped her hands together and exclaimed, "Praise Hestia!”

  Cat turned to her daughter and said, "Sure, honey, but be really careful crossing the street, okay? Oh, and be home for dinner at six o'clock. All right?"

  "Okay, Mama. Thanks," Skylar said as she and Missy ran out the door.

  Cat looked down at Billie and wiggled her eyebrows up and down. "Last one up stairs is a rotten egg!" she exclaimed, rising to her feet and getting a head start on her long-legged wife.

  "Hey, no fair!" exclaimed Billie with a wide grin on her face, as she jumped to her feet and followed Cat.


  "But you have to come, Mom. You are the whole reason this reunion is being planned in the first place," Billie said into the phone. "Look, it's about time that Jim did some growing up here. Your mother is gay. Your daughter is gay. That doesn't mean that you are. And by the way, Mom, homosexuality is not contagious. You certainly won't catch it by being around us. If that was the case, you would have been gay when we sent you home after your visit last year," Billie explained.

  Cat was standing nearby, listening to Billie's end of the conversation, worry etched on her brow. Billie looked at the concern on her wife's face while she listened to her mother speak. She cupped Cat's cheek in her palm and leaned down to place a tender kiss on her lips before turning her attention back to the phone.

  "So, you're coming then? Good. When is it? Cat and I were thinking it could be a Fourth of July reunion, including fireworks. Grandmas Alex and Jo insisted we hold it at SpireClyffe Acres. It's the only place large enough to hold the whole family. Yes, I know it's a beautiful place, the kids are gonna love it there. Okay, then. We'll see you on the fourth. And Mom, Jim is welcome to come too. In fact, I hope he does. It's time we get to know each other, and he has three grandchildren and a daughter-in-law who would love to meet him," Billie added, seeing Cat grin at the invitation. "All right then, Mom. I'll talk to you later. I love you. Bye."

  Billie hung up the phone and looked at Cat. "Well, it looks like she's coming. If that man influences her otherwise, I'll personally execute his castration," Billie said.

  "Billie Jean Charland! What a thing to say!" Cat exclaimed, a shocked expression on her face. She stepped close to Billie and placed both hands flat on the area above Billie's breasts. "Can I assist in the operation?" she asked, grinning.

  "I insist that you do, Dr. Charland," she said, kissing Cat's nose. "Okay, so that's a confirmation from Mom and possibly Jim. How many does that make so far?"

  Cat broke out of Billie's embrace and picked up the clipboard on the table by the phone. Scanning the paper attached to it, she said, "Let's see, that's Mom and Dad, Amy and Joe and family, Drew, Dylan, Mom and Jim, the two grandmothers, you, I and our kids. So far that's seventeen people. We still haven't heard from Bridget and her family," Cat said.

  "Good," she said looking down into Cat's eyes. "See Cat, planning this thing isn't so bad."

  Cat smiled nervously. "Billie, don't count your chickens before they hatch. Nothing is that easy, especially where our families are concerned. I won't relax until we're all there and enjoying ourselves," Cat explained.

  Billie cupped the side of Cat's face. "I like the sound of that, Cat," she said.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Our family. When we met nearly eight years ago, the only family I had was Seth, and he was in the hospital in a coma. Thank God for Doc. If he hadn't been able to remove the scar tissue, who knows where we might be today," Billie explained.

  "I would hope we'd still be together, Billie," Cat said. "I would have loved Seth…and you, regardless of his abilities."

  "I know, but life would sure be different," Billie said. "I mean, we wouldn't have Skylar if we hadn't met. I realize her conception was pretty traumatic and painful for you, but she has brought so much love and richness to our lives, I can't imagine life without her."

  Cat wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. "We came close to losing her to leukemia last year. I hope to God she's in permanent remission. I don't ever want that poor sweet angel to go through that again."

  "I second that, love," Billie said.

  "And now, look at us. We discovered you were adopted and found your birth mother while doing our genealogy…and to top it all off, she's Grandma Alex's daughter! Go figure."

  "From the moment I met you, Cat, I knew our lives had been entwined through the generations. You felt so familiar. I believe we were meant to be together."

  "So you believe the fates sent me to your aerobics class seven years ago?" Cat asked.

  "Absolutely…and it appears the fates have a sense of humor as well, as demonstrated by your lovely pirouette onto your face in the middle of that first class." Billie laughed at the memory.

  "Don't remind me," Cat grimaced.

  Billie kissed Cat tenderly. "We have been through so much in our short time together. It hasn't been easy, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat if it meant coming out where we are at this exact moment. I love our life together, Cat. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Thank you for loving me."

  "Sweetheart, we have lived through sexual violation, sick kids, brain surgery, memory loss, epilepsy, adoption and an identity crisis, and we've come out intact. If we can survive all that we can survive anything as long as we live through it together."

  "Together, forever and always," Billie said.


  "Kevin. Kevin, settle down. Kevin. Damn it Kevin, will you please shut up for a moment! Geesh, you are being such a baby about this! Look, everyone else is coming to the reunion. You and Bridget and the kids have to be there. It won't be the same if the whole family isn't there. I...I...Kevin, would you please let me talk?" Cat yelled into the phone.

  Billie was half lying, half sitting on the bed, her back reclined against the headboard and her hands laced together across her stomach while she waited for Cat to finish talking to her sister and brother-in-law. For the last ten minutes, she had been listening to Cat's end of the conversation. Finally, losing all patience with her brother-in-law she rose from the bed and approached Cat.

  "Kevin, let me talk to Bridget," Cat demanded as she looked up at Billie.

  "Bridget? Bridget, honey, will you tell that husband of yours to stop being such a wiener? I can't believe he's carrying on like that!" Cat exclaimed. "Bridget, at least you and the kids have to come to the reunion, okay? It won't be the same if you don't. Please?" Cat pleaded.

  "Cat, give me the phone," Billie said.

  Cat saw the determined glint in Billie's eyes as she handed the phone to her.

  Billie lifted the receiver to her ear. "Bridget. This is Billie. Please put Kevin back on the phone," she insisted. While she waited for Kevin, she lifted Cat's hand to her mouth and kissed the palm. Cat's eyes closed as her head dropped back, and a soft moan escaped her lips. Billie's attention was suddenly drawn back to the phone.

  "Kevin, this is Billie. You listen to me, and listen good. I've been sitting here for the past ten minutes waiting to make love to my wife, while she's been on the phone, listening to you whine. You will get that candy ass of yours on the plane next week and bring your family to Charleston, do you understand me?" A slight pause. "Look, Kevin, stop being such a wuss-ass! For Christ's sake, even your children aren't afraid to fly! Now I don't want to hear any more shit from you, you got that?" Another slight pause. "I said, you got that?" Billie demanded angrily.

  Cat stood there, looking at her wife with wide eyes. She couldn't believe Billie was talking to her brother-in-law like that. Kevin was basically a good guy, but a little too macho for Cat's tastes. She really didn't know how Bridget put up with his Neanderthal ways sometimes
, but he was a good husband and father, and Bridget seemed to love him blindly. As macho as he was, however, he seemed intimidated by Billie, and Billie was taking full advantage of the fact.

  "Kevin, I want an answer, right now, and it had better be the one I want to hear," she insisted, still holding Cat's gaze. "All right. That's better. We'll see all of you next week then, okay? Okay, and Kevin—thanks," Billie finished, hanging up the phone.

  Billie looked at Cat and raised one dark eyebrow into her hairline. "Mission accomplished," she said.

  Cat smiled sensually. For some reason, seeing her wife act so aggressively was a major turn on. "Have I told you ye today that I love you?" she asked, hands on her hips.

  "Only two or three times," Billie replied. "But don't let that stop you," she added, reaching out for Cat.

  Cat stepped into Billie personal space and wrapped her arms around her waist. "Oh, don't worry, it won't," she replied, pulling up Billie's nightshirt and slipping her hands into the back of Billie's panties. She slid her hands down over Billie's bottom and squeezed hard.

  Billie's arms automatically trapped Cat in an urgent embrace. "God, Cat," Billie moaned as she buried her face in Cat's neck.

  "I have been aching for you all day," Cat whispered into Billie's ear. "I want to hold you in my arms and do unspeakable things to your person."

  Billie chuckled. "Unspeakable is good," she said.

  "Let me love you," Cat whispered before clamping down on Billie's earlobe.

  Billie's control snapped as she lifted Cat off her feet and carried her through the house to their bedroom. She laid her on the bed and lowered herself on top of her, pinning her to be bed with a near-brutal kiss.

  "Billie, let me up," Cat said. Seeing the look of hurt and confusion on Billie's face, she added, "Please love. I promise you will like it."

  Billie rolled onto her back, and watched as Cat scrambled off the bed.

  "Come here," Cat said, patting the edge of the bed.